Trash and recycling services are provided as a service of the HOA and are included in your monthly assessment. There should be NO charges to Piney Creek homeowners for the regular trash and recycling services. Services are provided by Republic Services, 303-286-1200.
What is Included
- Weekly trash collection
- Every other week recycling
- Republic Services provides one 96 gallon trash cart and one 96 gallon recycling cart
- Christmas trees will be removed up to 2 weeks after Christmas at no charge but it must be bundled.
- Note - Republic trucks will only service Republic containers due to the construction of the trucks automated system.
Additional Services Billed to the Resident
- Additional carts are available. Contact Republic directly and order a container. You will have an account set up and be charged for the second container and service will be billed at $36/year to the resident.
Please take a moment when determining whether or not you have space to store the cart in accordance with the Association’s Rules.
- Collection of bags is $3 per bag, billed to the resident.
- Republic Services offers special pick up services for yard waste and bulk items such as furniture or appliances. Special pick-ups can be arranged by contacting Republic Services online or calling the customer service center at (303) 286-1200. These services cost extra and will be billed to the resident.
Collection Schedule
- Trash pickup is every Monday. Generally, there will be a one day delay when holidays fall on a Monday, and then the pickup will be on Tuesday.
- Recycling calendar
What Do I Do If My Trash/Recycling Wasn’t Picked Up?
On occasion, our trash and recycling company will skip a home or even an entire block during their scheduled pickups. While we cannot prevent these occasional mistakes from occurring, we can assist you when they do. Should this ever happen to you, we ask that you notify the Community Manager at mgr@pineycreek.org as soon as possible. This will allow us to reach out to our representatives with the company in an effort to get the matter resolved as quickly as possible. We do encourage you to contact Republic Services at 303-286-1200, but notifying us should be your first step.
You are also free to call the Onsite Community Manager at 303-699-8069 to report these problems, although email is preferred and allows for a quicker transfer of information to Republic Services.
Piney Creek Guidelines
All trash, refuse, rubbish, garbage, and other waste shall be kept in closed containers. These containers shall be kept within the garage, or if placed outside shall be screened from the view of any public or private property using approved means.
Trash is not to be placed on the curb prior to 6pm the evening before collection. Cans and bins must be removed from the street the day of garbage collection and returned to your garage or enclosure.
- Recycling pickup is every other week on the same day as trash collection.
- One truck will pickup regular trash, and a second truck will pickup recycle.
Republic does recycle glass