Q: Do I need to submit an Architectural Improvement Request for a pre-approved plan?
A: It is requested that you advise the HOA which one of the preapproved plans you intend to install, where it will be installed (front, side or back yard) and when you expect the installation to be completed. An email to the Community Manager at
Mgr@pincycreek.org is sufficient notice.
Q: What if I select a pre-approved plan but can’t find one or more of the plants?
A: If you are unable to purchase one or more of the preapproved plants at a local nursery you may use a substitute plant. The substitute plan shall be the same type (deciduous or evergreen) and similar in size, color, and shape.
Q: What if I want a substantially different size or shape for my plan?
A: A plan that is substantially different in size or shape requires the submission and approval of an Architectural Improvement Request.