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Extracted from the Piney Creek Community Guidelines (revised March 2024), pages 16-17. 
Piney Creek Paint Colors 
All exterior paint/stain colors must be approved prior to work commencing, including repainting or re-staining of the existing colors. The ACC Committee encourages colors “in earth tones indigenous to the area”.
Painted/stained surfaces are a key part of the Piney Creek visual experience, and the choice of paint/stain colors is a critical factor in maintaining the harmony of the neighborhoods.  For practical purposes, the ACC defines paint/stain by the way it is used.  There are five general uses:
  1. Paint/stain applied to the main wood or stucco exterior of the home is known as field/base/body paint/stain.
  2. Paint/stain applied to trim pieces on a home, particularly around doors and windows is referred to as trim paint/stain.
  3. Paint/stain applied to a door and exterior shutters (when applicable) on a home is known as accent paint/stain.
  4. Paint/stain applied to a soffit along the edge of the roof on a home is called roofline paint/stain.
  5. Brick and stone surfaces shall not be painted/stained but left as originally installed.
The trim must be painted/stained in a color which compliments the base/field/body color.  The trim color shall not be the same as the base/field/body color.  Garage doors shall be painted/stained the base/field/body color of the home, unless otherwise approved by the ACC.
Colors which are not approved for use as base/field/body or trim, include black, red, dark or bright green, purple, orange, pink, most tones of blue and most tones of yellow.
The Clubhouse office has books of suggested paint colors that can be checked out or perused for the purposes of selection as part of your Architectural Improvement Request form.  

The Clubhouse office has books of suggested paint colors that can be checked out or perused for the purposes of selection as part of your Architectural Improvement Request form.  
The Sherwin Williams website also has the Piney Creek paint color book available here.   Please take advantage of this easy way to start the hard process of picking an appropriate color combination.

Please ensure your colors are approved prior to repainting or re-staining.  Any re-application of an unapproved color represents a new violation and shall be repainted at the homeowner’s expense.
Accent colors outside the range of the earth tone colors, for minor exterior elements (e.g. front door, soffit) may be approved, at the sole discretion of the ACC, on an individual basis.  Submit a minimum of 6”x6” color sample(s) along with one or more photographs which show the architectural style of the house and existing colors. You are also required to paint a swatch, approximately 3’ x 3’ in size, of all proposed colors, on the front of your home for the ACC representatives to see in person, as they are also looking at roof and brick color.
Vinyl and metal siding are not allowed in Piney Creek.

There are no blanket approvals for any exterior addition or alteration to an existing residence at Piney Creek. You must submit an Architectural Improvement Request Form for each addition or change you wish to make. Submissions are judged on their individual merit for your particular house and the surrounding neighborhood.